Cigar Elegance
At Centredale Cigars, our passion is the timeless ritual of a fine smoke. Delve into a world where premium cigars meet the finest spirits, wine, and beer, curated just for those with discerning tastes. Our legacy is built on a reverence for craftsmanship, ensuring every product we offer stands up to the highest standards. Whether you're a seasoned aficionado or a newcomer eager to embark on a journey of flavor, Centredale Cigars invites you to light up and savor life's luxurious moments. Explore our carefully selected range and let us enhance your cigar experience.
Cigar Lounge
A luxurious and comfortable lounge to enjoy your cigars in style.
Private Events
Host special occasions in a unique and elegant setting.
Knowledgeable Staff
Friendly experts ready to assist and enhance your experience.
Unparalleled Quality
At Centredale Cigars, our dedication is to enhance every facet of your cigar experience. From masterful cigar pairings to tailored recommendations for wine and spirits, we're committed to elevating each moment you spend with us. Our seasoned team stands ready to guide your selections, ensuring that each visit is a reflection of our commitment to excellence. Whether you're marking a milestone, sharing stories with friends, or simply savoring a quiet evening, Centredale Cigars is your premier destination for unmatched quality and elegance. Delve into our services and let us refine your cigar journey.
What Our Customers Say
Find out why customers love Centredale Cigar – read their glowing reviews and share your own experience today!
Michelle A
Great, local cigar shop with excellent service and a friendly atmosphere. Highly recommended!
Stanley D
Centredale cigars is an awesome place to have an after dinner smoke and a drink. As for football Sunday it's like watching the games with your family and friends in your own mancave. No better place to enjoy a variety of great cigars.
Rene F
A laidback friendly environment to enjoy your favorite Cigar while watching your favorite sports team. A full bar too!
Write about your memorable Centredale Cigar experience and let others in on the secret of our extraordinary haven.
Location: 2003 Smith St North Providence, RI 02911
Opening Hours:
Sunday - Thursday: 7 am - 12 midnight,
Friday and Saturday 7 am - 1 am